About Us

Knowledge and Experience

Successful outcomes in strata law matters, whether advice or disputes, depend on two key ingredients:
Knowledge and Experience.


Strata law is a unique blend of property law, construction law, trust law, company law, contract law and meeting law. An intimate knowledge of the provisions of the Acts and Regulations is the starting point, not the complete answer. Countless decisions of the Supreme Court on each of the successive statutory schemes over the past 60 years have shown that the answers to difficult questions and disputes often lie outside the statutory words and instead in a clear understanding of the underlying legal framework and concepts.

As authors of the authoritative texts, Strata Law in NSW and Joske’s Law and Procedure at Meetings in Australia, our counsel literally “wrote the book”. They have an intimate working understanding of the statutory scheme, the underlying legal concepts and the hundreds of decided cases, to bring to bear on your strata legal problem, such as by-laws, contracts, building defects, common property issues, meetings, voting or any ​other strata matter.


Experience is the second critical ingredient. Strata law involves not only a special blend of relevant law, but a unique overlay of interpersonal relationships between developer, builder, strata manager, building manager, strata committee, owners, tenants and neighbours. Solutions to problems, inside or outside a Court or NCAT, come from experience.

Only coal face experience of dealing with disputes teaches what works and why, and what not to do, to avoid future problems. That ability only comes with the experience of running thousands of hearings dealing with the widest variety of disputes.

Our counsel also have experience in advising on strata redevelopments and advising other industry participants on engaging with owners corporations.

The right advice, comes from experience.

Contact Strata Counsel by phoning +612 8915 2818 or contact us by email